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Stick By Me – TWiT Book Review

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Hockey was everything, but now I’m questioning if I’ll ever make it to the NHL. I need to find a life. In comes a stunning guy in designer jeans and hair so dark and silky, that I struggle to keep my fingers to myself. We connect at an animal rescue, where I accidentally soak him with a hose. I give him my team shirt to make amends. The vision of him in my clothes stirs a primal urge in me. When he mentions he’s queer, my heart skips a beat. But he’s only interested in a hookup. Game on. Will he accept my challenge for a date?

I’m having a moral dilemma. I don’t date men. I have an out and proud brother and, in my family, it’s, complicated. Then Archer comes along, eyeing me like a piece of candy and daring me to date him. Yeah, I’m interested. The problem is, the dare goes awry. I find myself falling so deeply for Archer, that there’s no turning back. When his life, goes off the rails, I’m forced to make a decision fast.

Rating: 4
Good Book
Good Ending
LGBTQIA Relevance

‘Stick By Me’ by Christie Gordon marks the first installment in her College Hockey Series. This book represents a new venture for Gordon, yet it retains the comforting familiarity that fans have come to cherish from her previous works. As the third book by Christie Gordon that I have had the pleasure of reviewing, following the engaging Rock U Series, ‘Stick By Me’ continues to exhibit her signature ability to weave intricate narratives with relatable and evolving characters.

The book kicks off, the College Hockey series with a compelling narrative centered around the blossoming relationship between two college students, Leo and Archer while interlinking them with familiar faces from the Rock U Series. This seamless transition creates a sense of continuity that is both comforting and exciting for returning readers. ‘Stick By Me,’ is evident that Christie Gordon’s storytelling prowess remains undiminished. The first installment in the College Hockey Series is a testament to her skill and passion as an author, promising a series that will undoubtedly captivate and inspire.

The book places significant, emphasis on the sexual exploration between Leo and Archer. Though well-written, and emotionally, resonant, which, while crucial for their character development and relationship dynamics, sometimes overshadow other elements. A notable aspect that could have been enhanced particularly is the background information on the character, Leo. A little less emphasis on the sexual exploration and a more detailed depiction of Leo’s day-to-day work life could have added depth to his character, allowing readers to connect with him on a more, personal level.

Despite these minor shortcomings, “Stick By Me” is a strong start to the College Hockey Series, offering a blend of romance, character development, and sportsmanship. The book’s strengths far outweigh its weaknesses, making it a great addition to the genre. Readers are left feeling warm and satisfied, eagerly anticipating the next installment in the series.

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Christie Gordon PortraitAbout The Author
Christie Gordon started writing gay and MM romance books after, finding Yaoi fanfiction by accident and falling in love with it. I’ve always had stories in my head and always enjoyed writing, so I decided to try my hand at, the genre and took up fiction writing classes at a local community college.

I published my first MM romance book with eXtasy Books back in 2009. I always, follow my muses wherever they take me, writing a mixture of paranormal, historical, and contemporary romances. I enjoy writing about men discovering themselves, overcoming obstacles, and finding love in the process, along with a happy ending.

My day job is in the high-tech industry with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and a Master’s in Business Administration. I currently live in the Phoenix, Arizona metro area but I’ve also lived in the Bay Area of California and grew up in Minnesota. If I’m not writing, I’m, watching boys love dramas or creating digital artwork. I’m also a mother of two young adult sons, whose antics keep me on my toes. My one-eyed rescue pug is always by my side, snoring the day away.

Visit her website for a complete list of her books.

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